Smallweb 0.24

by Achille Lacoin

3 min read

I spent the last week (and probably the next one) working on the platform. I'm quite happy with the progress, as the list of alpha testers is steadily growing.

Still, I've made a few changes on the smallweb cli, so here is a new release!

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Smallweb 0.23

by Achille Lacoin

2 min read

This release was supposed to be published yesterday, but I accidentally spilled coffee on my laptop. I had to wait a full day for it to dry, but it seems to be working fine now. So here we are!

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Smallweb 0.22

by Achille Lacoin

2 min read

Wait, what? Another release so soon? Wasn't the last one just a few days ago?

Yes, it was! But as part of my current work on (previously refered to as smallweb cloud), I had to make a few changes on smallweb cli. And as I'm onboarding a few users on the platform, I wanted to make sure the local development experience matched the remote one.

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